Class Instruction Methods

Remote Hybrid Courses: A course with live instruction (students must log into CANVAS on a computer for part of the course, and then EITHER an entirely online instruction OR in-person instruction at a specified campus location. 

Hybrid Course: A course with both in-person instruction AND online instruction (students must log into CANVAS on a computer for part of the course).

In-person Courses: Taught with an instructor and students in a classroom setting at a specified campus location.

Online Courses: Online courses are at the student’s convenience. Provides students with maximum flexibility with their weekly schedule. Proctored exams may be required, either in-person or remotely on camera using Honor Lock services. (Asychronous)

Remote Delivery Courses: A course offered at a specific day and time using technology and live instruction via CANVAS LMS using a computer. May require exams proctored on camera through Honor Lock services. Similar feel to an in-person class experience than online courses. (Sychronous)


Term Codes

Undergraduate (Degree) Program

FA - Fall term - Undergraduate
SP - Spring term - Undergraduate
S1, S2, S3 - Summer terms - Undergraduate
WI - Winterim term - Undergraduate
regular Undergraduate Spring and Fall terms run 15 weeks
(additional shorter subsessions within Undergraduate Fall and Spring terms are identified by -
FE - Fall Early Finish (7 1/2 week session that begins at the start of the semester)
FL - Fall Late Start (7 1/2 week session that begins at approximately the mid-point of the regular semester)
FD - Fall Delayed Start (12 week session that begins approximately 3 weeks afte the start of the regular semester)
SE - Spring Early Finish (7 1/2 week session that begins at the start of the semester)
SL - Spring Late Start (7 1/2 week session that begins at approximately the mid-point of the regular semester)
SD - Spring Delayed Start (12 week session that begins approximately 3 weeks afte the start of the regular semester)
Summer and Winterim terms and subsessions meet more frequently during each week and run for a short number of weeks.