Step 1: Fill out and Submit this application - be sure to give us your Email Address! - you will receive email acknowledging that we got application.
Step 2: Within one working day we will send you another email with your student id# and password.
Step 3: After filling out this application, please email the College’s International Student Advisor, for further instructions.

Sussex County Community College
One College Hill
Newton NJ 07860
Last Name:     First Name:     M.I.:
Title:   Marital Status:   Maiden Name:  (if applicable)
Street Address/PO Box:
            Address 2nd Line:
City:     State:     Zip:     Country:
Township of Residence:     County:
Phones (xxx-xxx-xxxx)   Home:     Cell:     Other:
Social Security # (xxx-xx-xxxx):     Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy):
Email Address:
Parents Email Address:
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?    

This information is being requested solely for reporting purposes to federal and state agencies and academic accrediting associations.
Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic/Latino?    
Please select one or more of the following racial categories to describe yourself
(mark ALL that apply):

Gender (optional):    

Emergency Contact Person:
Last Name:     First Name:     M.I.:
        Phone:     Relationship:    
High School:
        Have you graduated?         (Anticipated) Graduation Year (yyyy):
        Are you eligible for NJ STARS?    
or have you earned a High School Equivalency (HSE - formerly GED)?    
        If YES for HSE or GED, then where?  State:     and when?  Year (yyyy):
   Please submit copy of HSE or GED certificate to the Admissions Office.
or were you homeschooled?:    

Have you taken SAT or ACT tests?    
   Please submit an official high school transcript with SAT or ACT scores to the Admissions Office.
Are you a Veteran?         If YES, Veteran's Chapter:
Are you a dependent of a disabled veteran?    

Applying for Admission to SCCC for    Semester:     Year (yyyy):

Which best describes your educational goal at SCCC?
Academic Program at SCCC: NS   
Please select Academic Program code from detailed list of degrees and certificate programs at the bottom of this page. Then scroll back to this point to continue entering the rest of your application data.
Have you attended SCCC before?        If YES, enter your SCCC ID:
Admission Status:
Credit load intent:    

List other colleges attended, if applicable:
Institution Name State From Year To Year Degree Earned

If applicant is under 18 years of age, enter Parent/Guardian's Name.
Last Name:     First Name:     M.I.:
By clicking the Submit button below, I (and my Parent/Guardian if I am under 18 years of age) certify to the best of my/our knowledge that the information on this form is correct and I/we understand that falsification may result in dismissal from the College.

We recommend students apply for all forms of financial aid that may be available.
To apply for Financial Aid, please go to
For more information call our financial aid office at 973-300-2225 or click here.

If you have additional questions, please call the Admissions Office at 973-300-2223
Once you register for classes, you will be issued an official SCCC email address to which all electronic correspondence will be sent.

The State of New Jersey requires all full-time (12 credits or more) community college students to demonstrate proof of immunization/immunity from measles, mumps, and rubella. Students must provide proof they have received TWO doses of measles vaccine, one dose of mumps vaccine and one does of rubella vaccine. The State also requires all full-time, degree seeking students, beginning 2008-2009 Academic Year, to be vaccinated for Hepatitis B (3 doses). Documentation of vaccinations must be presented to the Registrar's Office.

Sussex County Community College's policies prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, race, national origin (Title IX), or handicap (section 504) in its educational programs, activites, or employment and admissions practices. Inquiries regarding Title IX and section 504 compliance may be directed to the Affirmative Action Officer at 973-300-2100 or by mail at Sussex County Community College, One College Hill Road, Newton NJ 07860.

Sussex County Community College

Programs of Study

Below is a complete list of degrees and options available at Sussex County Community College.

Associate of Arts (A.A.) and
Associate of Science (A.S.)

Programs designed primarily for transfer to a 4 year college or university.

Associate of Fine Arts (A.F.A.)

Programs designed for a career or for transfer to a 4 year college or university.

Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.)

Programs designed primarily for immediate entry into the workforce.


One year programs designed to obtain skills for entry into the workforce or for possible credits towards an associate degree.

Health Science (Non-Credit) Certificate Programs

Programs designed to provide students with the skills and certification and/or state licensure required for entry into specific health care professions.

Non-Credit Continuing Education Classes

Programs designed for personal enrichment, skill enhancement or job training.
(If you are only interested in Non-Credit Continuing Education classes, Click Here for our CE listings.)

Associate Degree Programs
 Major CodeDescriptionDepartmentDegree/Certificate
Select AANI 3D Art & Animat. Op Graphic Design AAS
Select ACC Accounting Accounting AS
Select AGSC Agricultural Bus. Science AAS
Select ANTH Anthropology Option Anthropology AA
Select ARDS Architecture Design Art AFA
Select ARED Art Education Opt. Art AFA
Select AST Automotive Ser Tech Automotive AAS
Select BAKE Baking & Pastry Art Culinary Arts AAS
Select BIO Biology Option Biology AS
Select BCST Building Const Tech Business AAS
Select BUAO Bus. Admin. Online Business AS
Select BUA Business Administra Business AS
Select BMGT Business Management Business AAS
Select CHEM Chemistry Option Chemistry AS
Select CDSD Child Develop Spec Child Development AAS
Select BROA Comm/Broadcast Opt Communications AA
Select FILM Comm/Film Study Opt Communications AA
Select JOUR Comm/Journalism Opt Communications AA
Select CSO Comp Science Option Computer Science AS
Select CISD Computer Info Systm Computer Science AAS
Select COSM Cosmetology Option Business AAS
Select CJ Criminal Justice Criminal Justice AS
Select CULA Culinary Arts Opt. Business AAS
Select CYSC Cybersecurity Opt. Computer Science AAS
Select DSTC Diesel Serv. Tech. Diesel Technology AAS
Select DMKT Digital Marketing Graphic Design AAS
Select ELIN Elec. Linework. Opt Business AAS
Select EMRC Elec. Music & Rec. Music AAS
Select SEO Elem/Second Educ Op Education AA
Select EGRS Engineering Sci Opt Engineering Technology AS
Select ENG English Option English AA
Select ENS Environmen. Studies Environmental Science AS
Select EXSC Exercise Science Biology AS
Select FADS Fashion Design Opt Art AFA
Select FAMC Fashion Merch. Opt Art AFA
Select FSTD Fire Science Tech Fire Science AAS
Select GDEV Game Development Op Computer Science AAS
Select GEOL Geology Option Geology AS
Select GDD Graphic Design Graphic Design AAS
Select HIST History Option History AA
Select HORT Horticultural Sci. Science AS
Select HOST Hotel/Rest Mgt. Opt Business AAS
Select HS Human Services Human Services AS
Select ILST Illustration Option Graphic Design AAS
Select INSY Information Systems Computer Science AS
Select INTC Information Tech Op Computer Science AAS
Select INDS Interior Design Opt Art AFA
Select LIB Liberal Arts AA
Select LIBO Liberal Arts Online AA
Select MATH Mathematics Option Mathematics AS
Select MUSC Music Option Humanities AA
Select MUTH Musical Theater Opt Music AA
Select NMC New Media Communica Graphic Design AAS
Select OPTC Optics Tech. Opt. Business AAS
Select PLD Paralegal Studies Legal Studies AAS
Select PHOT Photography Option Photography AFA
Select POLS Political Sci Opt Political Science AA
Select PMD Pre Med/Dental Opt Biology AS
Select PND Pre Nutri/Dietic Op Biology AS
Select PLAW Pre-Law Option Legal Studies AA
Select PSY Psychology Option Psychology AA
Select ROBT Robot. & Auto. Opt. Robotics Technology AAS
Select SOCY Sociology Option Sociology AA
Select SART Studio Arts Art AFA
Select SCMD Supply Chain Mgmt Business AAS
Select TCST Technical Studies Business AAS
Select TCTH Technical Theater Theater Arts AAS
Select THEA Theater Arts Option Theater Arts AA
Select WELD Welding Tech. Opt. Welding AAS

Credit Certificate Programs
 Major CodeDescriptionDepartmentDegree/Certificate
Select AUT Automotive Tech Automotive CERT
Select BAKC Baking & Pastry Art Culinary Arts CERT
Select BOOK Bookkeeping COA Accounting CERT
Select CAD CAD/Drawing Soft CA Computer Science CERT
Select CDSC Child Develop Spec Child Development CERT
Select CIS Computer Info Systm Computer Science CERT
Select CAC Computerize Accting Accounting CERT
Select CULC Culinary Arts Business CERT
Select CCMP Cultural Comp. COA Sociology CERT
Select DGIL Dig. Art & Illus CA Graphic Design CERT
Select DJRN Digital Journalism Communications CERT
Select ELAW Elder Law Spec. Legal Studies CERT
Select FST Fire Science Tech Fire Science CERT
Select GDIG Graph & Dig. Des CA Graphic Design CERT
Select HLEX Health/Exer Sci COA Science CERT
Select HUMN Humanities COA Humanities CERT
Select IF Independent Film CA Communications CERT
Select IDS Inter Des. Skill CA Graphic Design CERT
Select LASC Lib. Arts & Science Health Science CERT
Select MTTC Machine Tool Tech. Business CERT
Select MAAC Med Admin Asst COA Medical Assistant CERT
Select MEDA Medical Assistant Medical Assistant CERT
Select MART Multimedia Art. COA Graphic Design CERT
Select MFUN Music Fundament. CA Humanities CERT
Select OCNC Optics Tech-CNC Business CERT
Select OPCN Optics Tech-CNC COA Business CERT
Select OPCV Optics Tech-Conv CA Business CERT
Select OCON Optics Tech-Convent Business CERT
Select OPMT Optics Tech-Metr CA Business CERT
Select OMTR Optics Tech-Metrolo Business CERT
Select PLC Paralegal Legal Studies CERT
Select PTRN Personal Train. COA Biology CERT
Select PHTG Photography COA Photography CERT
Select SOCM Social Media COA Graphic Design CERT
Select SCCA Strength Coach COA Exercise Science CERT
Select SCMC Supply Chain Mgmt Business CERT
Select SGRD Sust. Gardening COA Biology CERT
Select TECH Techn Support COA Computer Science CERT
Select WEB Web Design Graphic Design CERT
Select WTCA Welding Tech. COA Welding CERT
Select WLDT Welding Technology Welding CERT
Select WPTD Wordpr Theme Des CA Graphic Design CERT

Health Sciences Training (Non-Credit)
Certificate Programs

Health Sciences detail data is currently unavailable

or     to NOT select a Major at this time.   NS (Not Specified).