Reminder for registering online

Please make sure you are registering for courses on your degree audit!
Please reach out to your advisor with any questions

Class Instruction Methods

Remote Hybrid Courses: A course with live instruction (students must log into CANVAS on a computer for part of the course, and then EITHER an entirely online instruction OR in-person instruction at a specified campus location. 

Hybrid Course: A course with both in-person instruction AND online instruction (students must log into CANVAS on a computer for part of the course).

In-person Courses: Taught with an instructor and students in a classroom setting at a specified campus location.

Online Courses: Online courses are at the student’s convenience. Provides students with maximum flexibility with their weekly schedule. Proctored exams may be required, either in-person or remotely on camera using Honor Lock services. (Asychronous)

Remote Delivery Courses: A course offered at a specific day and time using technology and live instruction via CANVAS LMS using a computer. May require exams proctored on camera through Honor Lock services. Similar feel to an in-person class experience than online courses. (Sychronous)


Term Codes

Undergraduate (Degree) Program

FA - Fall term - Undergraduate
SP - Spring term - Undergraduate
S1, S2, S3 - Summer terms - Undergraduate
WI - Winterim term - Undergraduate
regular Undergraduate Spring and Fall terms run 15 weeks
(additional shorter subsessions within Undergraduate Fall and Spring terms are identified by -
FE - Fall Early Finish (7 1/2 week session that begins at the start of the semester)
FL - Fall Late Start (7 1/2 week session that begins at approximately the mid-point of the regular semester)
FD - Fall Delayed Start (12 week session that begins approximately 3 weeks afte the start of the regular semester)
SE - Spring Early Finish (7 1/2 week session that begins at the start of the semester)
SL - Spring Late Start (7 1/2 week session that begins at approximately the mid-point of the regular semester)
SD - Spring Delayed Start (12 week session that begins approximately 3 weeks afte the start of the regular semester)
Summer and Winterim terms and subsessions meet more frequently during each week and run for a short number of weeks.